Baratta Copper Project

The Baratta Copper Project comprises two licences in South Australia, highly prospective for sediment-hosted copper mineralisation, akin to the Central African Copperbelt.

Baratta’s geological setting displays characteristics Stelar considers similar to those seen in the Central African Copper Belt, which spans the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia, and is positioned to be the second-largest global copper producer behind Chile’s porphyry deposits.

The Project hosts a 7-kilometre corridor of copper mineralisation and geophysical targets that have been overlooked by previous explorers.

The historic Baratta Copper Mine produced copper ore between 1896 and 1904 from a 1-5 km long zone of stratabound workings in a structure splaying off the Bibliando Thrust. This mineralised horizon, recognised as a shallow-dipping quartz-haematite gossan, also extends for several kilometres into Stelar’s adjacent EL 6803.

Historic broad-spaced soil sampling at Baratta identified multiple copper anomalies to the north of the historic mines, indicating the potential for extensions and additional parallel repeats in this highly anomalous copper area. However, records show that no drilling has been undertaken to test the Baratta Mine, the along-strike extensions and the potential parallel repeats.

Stelar Metals has conducted geological and structural mapping, rock chip sampling and systematic soil sampling over the strike length of the Baratta Mine workings, including the large IP anomaly to the west of the historic workings.