With its latest batch of rock chip assays in hand, Stelar Metals (ASX:SLB) says it has identified a third parallel copper-bearing gossan to the east of its Baratta Copper Project in South Australia.
With its latest batch of rock chip assays in hand, Stelar Metals (ASX:SLB) says it has identified a third parallel copper-bearing gossan to the east of its Baratta Copper Project in South Australia.
Stelar Metals was one of the biggest movers of the day thanks to results along-trend at the historical Baratta copper mine.
Stelar Metals Ltd (ASX:SLB) has reported consistent high-grade assays of up to 28.7% copper from rock chip sampling at its Baratta project in South Australia.
Stelar Metals Ltd (ASX:SLB) has started fieldwork at the Baratta Copper Project in South Australia as it turns to copper exploration while awaiting an improvement in the lithium market before continuing work at the flagship Trident Project in Far West New South Wales.
Stelar Metals Ltd (ASX:SLB) highlighted significant progress at its Trident Lithium Project near Broken Hill in Far West New South Wales during the last quarter.
Stelar Metals Ltd (ASX:SLB) has been on the ground at the Trident Lithium Project near Broken Hill in Far West NSW in recent months, prosecuting an expanded soil sampling campaign and advancing its geological mapping efforts.
Stelar Metals Ltd (ASX:SLB) has identified high-grade lithium in rock chips with assays up to 2.8% Li2O at Caloola prospect, 7 kilometres north of Trident in the northern Euriowie Pegmatite Field near Broken Hill in Far West New South Wales.
With high-grade lithium results from inaugural drilling at its Trident project coupled with board members’ roles in developing the Northern Territory’s first lithium mine, Stelar Metals is focused on strategic metals in premier jurisdictions and has the experience and backing to do it, CEO Colin Skidmore explains.